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Meet Our Brand Ambassadors

EquiGlo Horse Feeds is proud to sponsor several riders from across the country – from those happy to compete at grassroots level to others with their sights fixed on greater things. They all have a passion for their horses and want the very best for them, so top-notch equine nutrition is an absolute must. They want to make sure that their horses and ponies benefit from a healthy, fibre-based diet, so  EquiGlo Quick Soak 10 Minute Beet is a key ingredient.

Showing enthusiast Melaney Baker, dressage rider Bracken Parkhouse, endurance rider Tanya Southworth, ROR enthusiast Jessica Bosworth and Lizzie Blamire with a love of breeding sport horses from her Class 1 Connemara stallion all take part in a diverse range of equestrian activities and kick on for a place in the ribbons. 

Lizzie Blamire


Hello, everyone,

Well, it seems a very long time since we were on holiday. We didn’t bring a lot of sunshine back with us, just the odd , unfortunately. 

All the horses are well, the youngsters seem to be having a growth spurt, and Dido now at five months has grown out of her first foal slip, so that’s a headcollar on the shopping list. 


Lizzie Blamire


I’m Lizzie Blamire – a new EquiGlo brand ambassador.  I live on our farm in Cumbria with my husband Steve and our animals, including two yearlings and a 3.5 month filly foal, a broodmare, a stallion, a 32” mini-Shetland, Jazz, who is worth her weight in gold and she’s a great companion to Anthony aka Another Touch, who previously had a successful racing career on the flat.


Melaney Baker


What a busy and exciting few months we have had with the girls. We made a return visit with Gwen to The Royal Welsh Show this year where we had a fantastic time. Gwen ran her heart out in a super- strong class and couldn't have gone any better.


Melaney Baker


After a long three months with my broken jaw, I'm excited to say things are on the up and I've finally been given the all clear to get back riding, which has been amazing and just in time for summer.


Melaney Baker


Hello, It's been a while since my last update and sadly we haven't had the best start to the year. After having a break over Christmas and some downtime for the girls, I was looking forward to getting going in the New Year. January started well with a great showing clinic and Gwen picking up lots of much needed tips.


Bracken Parkhouse


Well, August has been rather a busy month with Rodger and Jack. Our lovely young lad Jack has gained his qualifying scores for the Catago Associated championships in October and he’s also been to the NAF British Riding Club National Championships at Lincoln showground where we finished 5th as Tickhill Riding Club team and 8th individually. I'm so proud of how he is coming along and taking everything in his stride. 


Bracken Parkhouse


After a rubbish last couple of months things are looking better! Rodger and I have been back out competing and having a good time. I think the time out while I was ill has done him the world of good. 



Bracken Parkhouse


Sorry it's been a while since I last wrote. Things have been a bit crazy at our end, Rodger and I have stepped up to advanced medium, which started really quite well, but then he got clever with his flying changes and was giving me them where I didn't want them.


Bracken Parkhouse

Hello, everyone. Apologies for not being in touch for a while, we've been completely submerged in competitions and training and the time has just flown by. I have competed at Sheepgate Under 25s Championships, where Rodger did me proud once again.


Jessica Bosworth


I was asked to join a racehorse trainer over in Ireland at the end of July for the tattersalls store sales. Having never been, I jumped at the chance to view over 500 horses across two days, all with the potential of being the next big name in the racing world. My knowledge and experience of thoroughbreds was put into action and after two extremely long days viewing horses, three were purchased, two geldings and a filly. These are now being broken and ridden away with the plan to race next season. 


Jessica Bosworth


Hope you’re having a great summer with your horses. I've had a bit of a mixed one so far, so I thought I'd sit down for 5 minutes and write the next part of my blog. Johnny and I have been continuing with our flat work which hasn't improved much, so I have decided to take him across to see my friend and show producer Jackie Williamson at Solway Sports Horses. 


Jessica Bosworth


Johnny and I have been pretty busy behind the scenes working in the school. We have had a change of bit and done a lot of groundwork to get Johnny fit, along with working on improving his self-carriage. He is a horse that is on the forehand a lot, hence why he never made the grade as a racehorse. 


Jessica Bosworth


Life on the farm has been fantastic since our move. Johnny has settled in nicely and is enjoying his new routine. I can safely say he is now starting to make friends with the donkeys day- by-day, although he isn't a fan of sharing breakfast with them just yet!


Jessica Bosworth


As some of you may already be aware, just before Christmas last year, Johnny was taken unwell and had an emergency visit from the vet. After 24 hours of care, he bounced back remarkably. He was very poorly with suspected colic, but has made a full recovery, although this meant an unexpected break through January to make sure he was 100% fit and healthy. Thankfully no surgery was required, but it was a testing time. 


Jessica Bosworth

I hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying their horses despite the varied weather. Johnny and I have been having a mixed winter with lots of hacking when daylight permits alongside work and trail hunting as much as we can. 


Melaney Baker

Wow! What a fantastic and busy 2023 we have had. Last year was our first full year at county level shows. At times we have felt out of our depth, but we have met so many good people who have given us great advice and we learn something at every outing. It has been a real learning curve, especially for my partner, Ben, who has only owned his first horse (Mrs Jones) for two years.


Tanya Southworth


Where has the summer gone? We’ve had a fab year so far with the gang and have enjoyed last rides of the season in Cornwall, Wiltshire and Wales. Bella has had a great time, qualifying as Advanced after competing 2x40 mile rides and 1x 50 mile ride. This means that she’s allowed to race ride now, something which will be pencilled in on next year’s plan.


Tanya Southworth


When will it stop raining? I can guarantee that anyone with animals or land will be complaining about the weather – and I certainly am! The horses are fed up with coming in like drowned rats and I am fed up with mucking out and filling haynets. Despite the torrential downpours, we have managed to maintain good motivation and have so far stuck to ride plans and entries as best we can, and made alterations when rides have been cancelled and done our own training routes.


Tanya Southworth

I started the endurance season with six horses in work and my gosh did they do me proud. Trigger and Latifa have been happy hackers at home last year, until Latifa, aged 16, was struck down unexpectedly with laminitis. Thankfully,  after a seven month slog we are out the other side, although it’s something I’ll permanently have to watch.
