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Lizzie Blamire


Hello, everyone,

Well, it seems a very long time since we were on holiday. We didn’t bring a lot of sunshine back with us, just the odd , unfortunately. 

All the horses are well, the youngsters seem to be having a growth spurt, and Dido now at five months has grown out of her first foal slip, so that’s a headcollar on the shopping list. 

Anthony is doing very well. He’s back into some quiet work and is looking great. It’s always a juggle with work v time and I’m definitely not looking forward to the nights drawing in, but it’s been worth allowing him to have down time after his dental operation. He seems to have a brighter expression on his face these days. I’d imagine the fractures he had in two of his teeth would’ve been causing low level pain at times, but he’s so stoic. He’s never really shown signs, but I can see a softer look in his eyes. 

I’m looking forward to getting him fitter and picking up where we left off. There are no definite plans in the pipeline as such, but I do have some ideas that I will share with you with some photos when my photographer is available to see what you all think! 

Jazz, my little miniature pony and Phydo the Connemara stallion are also in great order. In fact, they are the two that shout the loudest at feed times, Equiglo is such a tremendous feed for all of them ranging from 5 months to 20 years. So it really is perfect ! 

I promise to get many more photos next time, the weather just hasn’t been on our side, and this week looks very wet up here in Cumbria. 

But we will cope as they say no such thing as bad weather - just the wrong clothes !! 

With love 

The Gang at Holly Bush Farm xx 

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