When will it stop raining? I can guarantee that anyone with animals or land will be complaining about the weather – and I certainly am! The horses are fed up with coming in like drowned rats and I am fed up with mucking out and filling haynets. Despite the torrential downpours, we have managed to maintain good motivation and have so far stuck to ride plans and entries as best we can, and made alterations when rides have been cancelled and done our own training routes.
We have been travelling further to competitions than we usually would at this time of year as the moorland rides around us haven’t been safe. Our first ride was successful with Bella completing her first 64km and my friend riding her when I wasn’t well enough. It was still great to be at the ride and to crew for them. It was also an absolute pleasure to watch Bella remain full of enthusiasm, even after a 40 mile ride. She would happily have gone out again on another loop. This in itself tells me that we have been training correctly.
Our next trip is up to Wiltshire with my two young horses for their longest distance yet. Another challenge is to get some weight off Vilette (approx. 50kg). She is a good-doer to say the least. Even with her workload, she thrives on fresh air, but needs some feeding as she’s competing up to 54km and can’t do that on basic rations. She gave me a scare recently when I changed her bedding from straw - which she was devouring - to shavings, which she turned out to be allergic too. Oh dear. . . another vet bill. . .
Roll on some springtime weather when everyone can get out and enjoy themselves.
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