I hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying their horses despite the varied weather.
Johnny and I have been having a mixed winter with lots of hacking when daylight permits alongside work and trail hunting as much as we can.
The weather hasn't been very kind to us up in Cumbria, resulting in very little turnout time. However, I am very lucky to have a small indoor arena at our livery yard, which means that Johnny can get out to stretch his legs when things are really awful.
We haven't done much schooling as this is a subject that Johnny and I disagree on of late. This is his least favourite activity, so instead we have been doing in-hand work and pole work on the lunge. Going back to basics and engaging his hind quarters over poles placed randomly in the arena means he has to think about where his feet are. This has been giving him the chance to also put in some extra moves that are frankly quite funny. He likes to use the poles as an excuse to canter, so we have also been working on this, trying not to allow him to get over-excited.
Trail hunting has been fun albeit very wet under foot so far. We haven't really had any frosty days and Johnny doesn't like soft going, so had a small accident two weeks back. He is completely fine, but managed to cut his off hind just above the hoof wall. The vet was called and Johnny was assessed with no lasting damage hopefully to his coronet band. This meant he had two weeks’ rest before a busy Christmas period.
Work has been pretty busy some days, with me putting in 15 hour days, but Johnny always makes me smile and I relish the joys of owning him. A small whinny when he sees me makes me smile on the longest and darkest of days. Not long until the days start to draw out and we can enjoy the lighter nights again.
This year our plans include starting Johnny under saddle showing. He is starting to reach maturity and is looking better than he ever has done, so after a break once trail hunting finishes, he will be off to boot camp with a friend whilst I lamb the sheep through April. This means he will get the best start to the season when we hope to compete in both ROR and HCR classes alongside lightweight hunter classes under saddle. Johnny has enough presence and conformation to do well, so I’m really looking forward to another exciting year of fun with my beautiful boy.
Jess and Johnny
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