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Tanya Southworth


Where has the summer gone?? We’ve had a fab year so far with the gang and have enjoyed last rides of the season in Cornwall, Wiltshire and Wales. Bella has had a great time, qualifying as Advanced after competing 2x40 mile rides and 1x 50 mile ride. This means that she’s allowed to race ride now, something which will be pencilled in on next year’s plan.

Mirrie and Vilette are upping the distances and speeds ready to start their Advanced qualifications next season. And we are making sure that Darwin, Trigger, Latifa and babysitter Macey all remain in tip- top condition. On hot days they have EquiGlo made into a super-sloppy drink with electrolytes which they all love. 

I’m lucky enough to be having an arena put in a home, but the consistent rain has caused lots of mud and stress! It would probably have been better if we had tackled the job in December, but hopefully we’ll have it done ready to use over the winter. This will give us chance to have schooled endurance horses and have them even fitter for the start of next year. I can’t believe I’m thinking about 2025  already but it’s exciting to have plans for each one of the horses.

This picture is of me and Darwin who is 26 and thriving!  




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