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Tanya Southworth

I started the endurance season with six horses in work and my gosh did they do me proud.

Trigger and Latifa have been happy hackers at home last year, until Latifa, aged 16, was struck down unexpectedly with laminitis. Thankfully,  after a seven month slog we are out the other side, although it’s something I’ll permanently have to watch.  She is in the safe zone now and I intend to keep her there. Trigger is like Lord of the Manor and at the age of 22 has a quieter exercise regime, but is still very active. 

Darwin is my hero and at the age of 25 isn’t ready to retire. He has done some fun rides and one competition. We travelled for four hours to Gloucester for this as it’s perfect going for him and he smashed it getting a Grade 1, showing the youngsters how it’s done! 

Bella, my partially sighted mare, turned nine last year. She is completely blind in one eye and only has half her vision in the other. She has been like this for nearly three years, after a very bad accident (she makes bad decisions!) so with that and recovery from the neurological damage she adjusted very well. She was never destined to work again, but against all the odds she’s just completed a full endurance season at open level and won the Southwest Trophy for the horse gaining the most points. 

Then come Vilette and Mirrie, both aged six – they’re half-sisters and also have the same sire as Darwin and that’s the reason I bought them. I bought Mirrie and was gifted Vilette, so I am very very, lucky! They have both just finished their first endurance season. Part way through the season I knew they were doing fairly well in the national rankings, but Endurance GB stop updating the results in September to keep us all in suspense. We travelled up to the National awards, a long trip for us down here in Cornwall! It was more than worth it. Vilette came 6th place in the Novice Champs and Mirabelle WON! It was a magical evening and I feel so very humble and lucky that my plucky little horse is the National Novice Champion of 2023, gaining more points than any other novice horse in the country, the best way to end our year. 

I have a great group of friends that help me keep them fit, super vets and the best farrier. EquiGlo is used all year round – hydrating in the summer and winter, and generally keeping bellies full! I am super excited for the year ahead. Over and out. . . 

Tanya and the Arabs xx

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